1. Discuss Addison’s prose style with reference to the essay, Sir Roger in London.

Answer:-Joseph Addison ,a stylist essayist ,a great moralist,a scholarly critic,a judicious journalist and a great literary figure od 18th century,is regarded as one if the most famous founders of modern prose style.He was agreat critic and ing about social reformer who wished to bring a change in the life of contemporary people through his contribution to  The Spectator
                                    Addison develop a style along with his friend Steel which was became known as the middle style which  ha dbecome famous as the middee style, a stlye that is familiar but not course  and elegant but not ostentatios,a style that is always easy,without glowing words or pointed sentence.  The first and foremost feature of Addison prose style is clarity and lucidity of expression. He expresses his thoughts and ideas in simple and ordinary language without complexity and ambiguity without obscurity and superfluity. His  expression is to direct clear spontaneous, free, Frank, and vivid that the  readers face almost no difficulty to understand him. For example, we can quote a sentence from his essay Sir Roger in London,"  I was touched with a secret joy at the sight of the old good man who before me was engaged in a conversation with a beggar man that had asked an alms .of him ".
                             Humour is one of the most notable qualities of additions style. His humour is mainly ironical and satirical. It is not Harsh or bitter but gentle and mild with a view to correcting the society. For example, we can quote a sentence from  Sir Rodger in London, that" I Know You are a wary man and do not care about talking about public matters".Addison style is not highly figurative fanciful similes and metaphors are not found in his writings. Addision uses many allusions, anecdotes and references.
 Addition style is near to the language of conversation but not to the informal conversation style of Montaigne. His prose style is neither the informal language of conversation not the ultra-formal language of serious and heavy treaties. It is free from the heaviness of hidebound formalism and the levity and licence of common speech.
                     In conclusion, Addison showed a perfect English prose style to a large extent and freed it from extravagance and excess of 18th-century writers and brought in it clearness lucidity and exactness.


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